

First posted: 29 June 2000. Updated: April 2014

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Two Poems by Dr Neville Yeomans (1928 – 2000)


The Inma

There seems to be a new spirituality going
around - or a philosophy - or is it an ethical
and moral movement, or a feeling?
Anyway, this Inma religion or whatever it
is - what does it believe in?

It believes in the coming-together, the
inflow of alternative human energy, from all
over the world

It believes in an ingathering and a nexus,
of human persons values, feelings, ideas and actions.

Inma believes in the creativity of this
gathering together and this connexion of per-
sons and values,

It believes that these values are spiritual,
moral and ethical, as well as humane, beautiful, loving and happy.

Inma believes that persons may come
and go as they wish, but also
it believes that the values will stay and
fertilize its area, and
it believes the nexus will cover the globe.

Inma believes that Earth loves us and
that we love Earth,

it believes that from the love and from
the creativity will come a new model for
the world of human future,

it believes that we have started that
future - now.

I guess that if you and I believe these things we are Inma

On Where

Perhaps somewhere there is an unimportant place caught
between East and West, North and South, Past and Future,

It is so far behind that it can only go forward,

Its indigenous people are so badly treated they
will risk anything for a better life,

Its white overlords are so distant from the centre of their
own culture that they don’t know where to go except to
Self Government.

It is wealthy, industrial, consumer, under-populated
and chaotic.

It has tropical coasts and islands.
It has cool mountains and tablelands.

It is closer to Asian and Melanesian peoples
than its own capital city, and it often sees
itself as the end of the earth.

Yet the desires of some of its citizens are:

·         to build the first free territory guided by global humane laws

·         to implement the UN covenants on Human Rights

·         to give migrants, visitors and native born and equal say

·         to accept ideas, people and music of living from all over

·         to welcome and respect every interested person

·         to love Planet Earth, and

·         to take a next step towards a happier more beautiful more human community.

Maybe one such place is called Northern Queensland, Australia.
But an Aboriginal word meaning 'a coming together' is Inma.


Laceweb Home Page

A few of Dr Neville Yeomans’ Poems

Dr Neville Yeomans’ Obituary


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