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Written Sept 2013.



A new form of social movement continues to evolve on the margins in the East Asia Oceania Australasia Region and beyond.  Caring Nurturing folk are acting together supporting global transition to a new caring nurturing loving Epoch on Earth respecting the people of Earth’s inalienable rights. Energy is emerging consistent with guiding principles for three overlapping Networked Collectives at the Continental and Global levels. A Model evolving in the Region may have global relevance.

In brief, this Model of Three interwoven Collectives may have the following Form, Foci and Loci (plurals of ‘focus’ and ‘locality’):

Wellbeing Collective

A.   Supporting all wellness aspects of life in the Region

B.   Collaborating with other continental Wellbeing Collectives at the global level in a Global Wellbeing Collective

Honorary Collective

A.   Supporting all aspects of life in the Region including, families, governances, groups, individuals, societies, and villages using wise value underpinnings which are largely evolving from news of what works well being shared locally and laterally by local folk


B.   Collaborating and sharing wellbeing ways that work with other continental Honorary Collectives at the global level in what may be termed a Global Honorary Wellbeing Collective

Advisory Collective

A.   Support all aspects of life in the Region including among others:


a.    the social life world

b.    the inter-cultural life world

c.    the economic life world

d.    the governance life world

e.    the natural life world, and

f.     the inter-spiritual life world


B.   Collaborating with other continental Advisory Collectives at the global level in a Global Advisory Collective

These Collectives are evolving in a context where:

A.   Many and varied social forces have stripped dignity and limited peoples’ capacity to realise their essence, potential, and their rights

B.   Action research has been undertaken to realise the possibility of encouraging a new caring, nurturing and loving Epoch, demonstrating that individuals are:


a)    Realising their potential and transforming themselves by using self-help and mutual-help in living well together with others, and playing a part in determining their own life ways in self-governance 

b)    Realising, demonstrating and sustaining caring nurturing loving ways

c)    Realising their inalienable rights in ways enriching theirs and others’ lives

d)    Practically demonstrating the principles outlined above, so that others too can be stimulated toward this enriched life


Collectives continue to expand in contexts where common folk are currently:


a.    Prevented from self governance

b.    Hindered in engaging in self-help and mutual-help

c.    Have little or no say about what and how services are provided.


The Collectives’ evolving frameworks acknowledge the natural inter-connected characteristics of the world we live in, i.e. flora, fauna, wildlife & environment, hence the mirroring of these aspects.  Key features of the frameworks include the principles of self-organising, pervasive co-operating, co-nurturing and co-learning. 


a)    The Collectives both mirror and engage with evolving wellbeing networking already in action on the margins

b)    They are massively interconnected and interdependent both within and between the three Collectives’ players and their foci and loci

c)    The Collectives are flat structures with local and lateral spread comprising a massive number of nested networks with significant nodes (network people with multiple significant links to others in the network(s)

d)    News of what works well spreads widely and rapidly between Collectives and within Community Wellbeing Networks and is used or adapted by others in the Collectives and overlapping Community  Wellbeing Networks

e)    A feature is the pervasive co-operating, co-nurturing, co-learning, and co-action within and between the Collectives and between the three Collectives and Community Wellbeing Networks in meeting their many and varied needs and wants according to interest, experience, competence and passion

f)     Significant natural nurturers may participate in one, two, or all of the collectives

g)    The Collectives like community networking for wellbeing engage well at the micro and macro levels

h)   The Collectives’ are not fixed structures; rather, like whirlpools in the stream, structure is continually transforming as it is sustained as flowing process in action:

i)     Actions involve the survival of the fitting

j)     Patterns are fractal and repeated throughout

k)    Like natural systems, a key feature is the presence of self-organising processes with feedback and feedforward


l)     The Collectives comprise a massive number of nested networks with significant nodes


m)  Like natural systems, actions are holistically embracing:


1. part and whole

2. chaos and complexity

3. randomness within constraints, and

4. work well in these contexts


n)  Also, increasingly people experienced in mutual help action are becoming well-placed to meet, complement, and facilitate service delivery approaches. For example, by providing consensual small, medium and large scale project proof about what works, the local and lateral mutual-help approach can support service processes by allowing opportunities for top-down studies to be restricted to what does work, rather than studying and sifting through lots of things that local mutual help action research has revealed will not work.


o)  Mutual-help action may support service delivery people see scope for multiple lateral integration between lateral/bottom-up and top down processes, or appreciate the scope for shifting from vertical integration to lateral integration.


p)    The three Collectives mirror each other’s form and way though differ in foci – Wellbeing, Honorary, and Advisory - and link with other resonant Wellness Collectives with differing foci and loci in the Region


q)    The Collective Participants are themselves significant Nodes in extensive networks of networks extending through the Region, and as such are largely self selecting of their Collective Roles by their emergence and being widely recognised as significant trusted nodal elders of high degree engaging in loving wisdom in action. It follows that these Collectives (as interacting people) are pervasively intertwined with common folk sense and sensibility in action through every aspect of life in the Region.


r)     The complementary nature of action is evidenced by the common set of verbs used as descriptors (refer below)


Given the extensive and growing capacity of these Collectives, people’s needs are being increasingly met by community based mutual-help action, thus potentially lessening scope and size of service delivery by government, semi-government or non government service providers.

As mentioned above, the three Collectives in structure, process, form, and action emerge from existing, competent, experienced, naturally nurturing folk in nested networks of networks engaged in community mutual-help action for wellbeing at the margins. The fractal quality of these three Collectives’ structure, process, form, and action may well serve as a model for wider transforming action towards a New Epoch on Earth.



Three Collectives:

a)    Wellbeing Collective

b)    Honorary Collective

c)    Advisory Collective

In differing parts of the Region these Collectives may be known by differing names or be unnamed.

Resonant with systems in nature, the Roles within and between the three Collectives are pervasively integrated recognising the inter-connected, inter-related, inter-dependent and interweaving nature of all aspects of human activity.

This integrating of roles differs markedly from the splitting and disconnecting of everything into so-called ‘sectors’ that is an inherent aspect of old paradigm bureaucracies. That disconnect led to the notion of ‘silo’, where ‘public servants” in metaphorical concrete bunkers live in separate worlds, and collaborating between sectors, and even collaborating between programs in differing sections of sectors rarely happens.

A feature of networked network action research has been the continual evolving of competences in social relating, cooperating, and collaborating in mutual-help Action Research.






The Wellbeing Collective’s foci:


Supporting all aspects life in the Region including communities, cultures, economies, families, governances, groups, individuals, societies, and villages in:

o   Archiving

o   Clarifying

o   Co-reconstituting

o   Discovering

o   Documenting

o   Enabling

o   Envisioning

o   Establishing

o   Experimenting

o   Exploring

o   Following 

o   Forming

o   Fostering

o   Gathering

o   Informing

o   Maintaining

o   Mentoring

o   Monitoring

o   Negotiating

o   Practicing

o   Promoting

o   Promulgating

o   Re-Forming

o   Remembering

o   Restoring

o   Reviewing

o   Revitalizing

o   Supporting

o   Sharing, and

o   Storytelling

o   Translating



a)    Wellbeing ways that work in all of the varying wellness domains, including communal, connecting with and to place, economic, emotional, environmental, family, habitat, inter-cultural, inter-personal, locality, nutritional, physical, psycho-social, relational, and spiritual.

b)    The finding and enriching of local nurturers and wellness support people, along with supporting their networking, gatherings, and celebrations.

c)    The recognizing the complex interconnectedness of life, working very closely with the other two Collectives in matters that cross over between the three Collectives



They are formed with and by folk who embody a widely known, widely respected long history of impeccable extensive integrity and practical wisdom in Community Action for Wellness, as well as being the exemplars, holders, disseminators and users of exquisite competencies in Community Action for Wellness Ways.



A.   Extending the Wellbeing Collective’s role to the global level in providing transfer of news of what works between continents.

B.   Ensuring that the Global and Continental Wellbeing Collectives both reflect each other.


The Global Wellbeing Collective mirrors the Continental Wellbeing Collective’s Roles at the Global Level.

Participants emerge from Continental Wellbeing Collectives





The Honorary Collective’s Foci:


A.     Supporting all aspects of life in the Region including communities, cultures, economies, families, governances, groups, individuals, societies, and villages in:


o   Archiving

o   Clarifying

o   Co-reconstituting

o   Discovering

o   Documenting

o   Enabling

o   Envisioning

o   Establishing

o   Experimenting

o   Exploring

o   Following 

o   Forming

o   Fostering

o   Gathering

o   Informing

o   Maintaining

o   Mentoring

o   Monitoring

o   Negotiating

o   Practicing

o   Promoting

o   Promulgating

o   Re-Forming

o   Remembering

o   Restoring

o   Reviewing

o   Revitalizing

o   Supporting

o   Sharing, and

o   Storytelling

o   Translating


a)    Wise value underpinnings which are largely evolving from news of what works well being shared locally and laterally by local folk

b)    Using as a guide to action the criteria guiding the drafting of the Thriving Earth Treaty

c)    Pervasive Extensive Integrity

d)    Lore and law

e)    Relating well with others and all life forms in all spheres and domains of life

f)     Processes that work well in relational mediating alongside the Honorary Collective Participants being the holders and disseminators and users of exquisite competencies in relational mediating


B.   Providing extensive integrity oversight to all of the above processes

C.   To keep its own role under continual review to ensure that it continues as an impeccable role model and in an enabler role, and not an imposer role in violation of the people’s inalienable rights to determine (a) their way of life together and (b) their governance.





a)    Maintaining community, cultural, intercultural, economic, family, governance, group, individual, society, and village wise-value underpinnings that are largely evolving from local and lateral sharing of what works well (MUTUAL-HELP)

b)    Gathering, promoting, exploring, and clarifying wise values and supporting others to do the same

c)    Monitoring and fostering pervasive Extensive Integrity

d)    Supporting the forming, re-forming, and following of wise value-based guiding principle criteria

a.    In forming, re-forming  and informing lore and law

b.    In relating well with others and all life forms in all spheres and domains of life

e)    Be the holders, disseminators, and users of exquisite competencies in relational mediating

f)     Supporting processes consistent with Guiding Principles of The Thriving Earth Treaty

g)    Recognizing the complex interconnectedness of life and working very closely with the other two Collectives in matters that cross over between the three Collectives





A.   Extending Role A to the global level in providing transfer of news of what works between continents.

B.   Ensuring that Roles A and B both reflect each other


The Global Honorary Collective mirrors the Continental Honorary Collective’s Roles at the Global Level.

Participants are drawn from Continental Honorary Collectives




They are formed with and by folk who embody a widely known, widely respected long history of impeccable extensive integrity and practical wisdom in loving action, as well as being the holders, and disseminators, and users of exquisite competencies in relational mediating







The Advisory Collective’s Foci:


Supporting all aspects life of in the Region including communities, cultures, economies, families, governances, groups, individuals, societies, and villages in:

o   Archiving

o   Clarifying

o   Co-reconstituting

o   Discovering

o   Documenting

o   Enabling

o   Envisioning

o   Establishing

o   Experimenting

o   Exploring

o   Following 

o   Forming

o   Fostering

o   Gathering

o   Informing

o   Maintaining

o   Mentoring

o   Monitoring

o   Negotiating

o   Practicing

o   Promoting

o   Promulgating

o   Re-Forming

o   Remembering

o   Restoring

o   Reviewing

o   Revitalizing

o   Supporting

o   Sharing, and

o   Storytelling

o   Translating



a)    Ways enriching the quality of life in the nurturing, playfully enriching, relational interplaying, between various worlds and realities. including among others:

a.    the social life world,

b.    the inter-cultural life world,

c.    the economic life world,

d.    the governance life world,

e.    the natural life world, and the

f.     inter-spiritual life world


b)    Linking to all of the varying wellness domains including communal, connecting with and to place, economic, emotional, environmental, family, habitat, inter-cultural, inter-personal, locality, nutritional, physical, psycho-social, relational, and spiritual.

This also includes supporting the finding and enriching of local nurturers and wellness support people in these varying worlds, realities,  and domains, along with supporting their networking, gatherings and celebrations. Recognizing the complex interconnectedness of life, working very closely with the other two Collectives in matters that cross over between the three Collectives



They are formed with and by folk who embody a widely known, widely respected long history of impeccable extensive integrity and practical wisdom in Advisory Action, as well as being the exemplars, holders, disseminators and users of exquisite competencies in Advisory Action for Communal Wellbeing.



A.   Extending the Advisory Collective’s role to the global level in providing transfer of news of what works between continents.

B.   Ensuring that the Global and Continental Advisory Collectives both reflect each other.



The Global Advisory Collective mirrors the Continental Advisory Collective’s Roles at the Global Level.

Participants are drawn from Continental Advisory Collectives



Natural Nurturer Networking (NNN) and Linear World Systems


If we flip NNN as in the image below we access the Wellness side and have the Wellness Collective emerging (left hand - heart side) from the networks‘ perspective


If we flip the Wellness side as in the image below, we have the Honour Collective emerging (left hand – grounded side) from the networks‘ perspective


If we flip the Honour Collective side as in the image below we have the Advisory Collective emerging (right hand – action side – as in the right hand man of old) from the networks‘ perspective

Note the exquisite symmetries occurring between any two quadrants and the even more exquisite when the four quadrants connect. Without the above image set, only the discerning Eye can perceive the Three Collectives. Notice that the Wellness Collective tends to emerge from the Natural Nurturer Networks, the Honorary Collective from the Wellness Collective and the Advisory Collective from the Honorary Collective.


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